Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani dibuat Studio Animasi Sekelas Hollywood di Kudus

Studio animasi bertaraf internasional dibangun di Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah. Hebatnya lagi, peralatan canggih di studio tersebut pun dijalankan oleh siswa SMK Raden Umar Said jurusan animasi.

Di ruangan utama yang cukup luas, berjajar komputer, tablet grafis, hingga printer 3D untuk pengerjaan animasi dari pembuatan karakter dalam bentuk animasi hingga bisa bergerak bahkan diberi spesial efek.

Proses produksi dimulai di lantai dua yaitu desain karakter yang digambar manual menggunakan tangan dan juga story board berupa gambar per panel yang menunjukan adegan gerakan yang akan dibuat bentuk animasi.

Turun ke lantai bawah atau ruang utama, ada drawing studio untuk menggambar story board dalam komputer menggunakan tablet grafis. Kemudian production studio tempat mengubah karakter menjadi animasi hingga bergerak menggunakan software Autodesk Maya, seperti yang digunakan untuk pembuatan film animasi terkenal Big Hero 6.

"Awalnya suka lihat animasi, terus cita-cita memang jadi animator. Ini enggak susah, karena memang suka," kata siswa kelas X Animasi itu.

Studio canggih tentu harus didukung sumber data manusia yang mumpuni, dalam hal ini pengajar. Ada 6 guru untuk melatih para siswa SMK Raden Umar Said, dan 5 di antaranya sudah bersertifikasi internaisonal, Autodesk. Sertifikasi itu di Indonesia hanya dimiliki oleh 12 orang.

Tidak tanggung-tanggung, pengajar yang berpengalaman di Walt Disney Animation Studio juga didatangkan. Dia adalah Woody Woodman yang ikut membuat animasi Mulan (1998), Tarzan (1999), dan Brother Bear (2003). Studio Animasi Sekelas Hollywood Ada di Kudus!

Dibuat oleh para siswa SMK Raden Umar Said (RUS) Kudus, Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani bercerita tentang seekor hewan mitologi bernama Pasoa yang berwujud paduan dari beberapa hewan di Indonesia. Dia hadir untuk melindungi kekayaan khayati di Indonesia. Film ini memiliki pesan bahwa semua orang harus menjaga kekayaan alam Indonesia sekaligus memperkenalkan kekayaan dongeng tradisional yang berakar di masyarakat Indonesia. Sementara soundtrack dari film animasi ini dilantunkan oleh Isyana Sarasvati.

Pembuatan anime itu sendiri, dilakukan di studio yang dibangun di SMK RUS. Studio yang diberi nama RUS Studio Animation itu untuk mendukung kurikulum kejuruan animasi yang ada di sana. Studio tersebut berdiri juga karena didukung Djarum Foundation dan Autodesk dan Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).

”Studio ini mampu mengerjakan seluruh rangkaian proses pembuatan film animasi 3D. Mulai daripembuatan naskah, storyboard, dan desain karakter,” papar Serad.

Dia melanjutkan, setelah persiapan selesai dilakukan, maka dilanjutkan dengan tahap produksi. Mulai pembuatan model karakter, tekstur, gerakan, hingga efek visual dan pencahayaan. SMK Bisa! Inilah Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani

“Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani” bercerita tentang seekor hewan mitologi bernama Pasoa yang berwujud paduan dari beberapa hewan di Indonesia. Dia dan Amet Mude, seorang tokoh pemberani dari Kalimantan hadir untuk melindungi kekayaan hayati di Indonesia.

Pembuatan hingga produksi dilakukan di RUS Animation Studio yang berada di SMK Raden Umar Said (RUS), Kudus yang pembangunannya hasil kerja sama Djarum Foundation, Autodesk, dan Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. SMK Raden Umar Said juga telah memiliki kurikulum kejuruan animasi yang dikembangkan untuk pembuatan film animasi 3D.

Kepala Sekolah SMK Umar Said, Kudus, Fariddudin mengatakan, film "Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani" diproduksi oleh 26 siswa. Mereka dibantu empat orang guru pendamping, serta guru desain komunikasi visual.

"Software yang digunakan yaitu Autodesk Maya, seperti yang dignakan untuk membuat film animasi terkenal Big Hero 6 dan Good Dinosaur," ujar Fariduddin.

Tidak hanya didukung studio dan software, program kejuruan animasi di SMK Raden Umar Said juga didukung paktisi yang dikenal dalam industri animasi, salah satunya pengajar yang berpengalaman di Walt Disney Animation Studio, yaitu Woody Woodman yang ikut membuat animasi Mulan (1998), Tarzan (1999), dan Brother Bear (2003). Film Animasi 3D Karya Pelajar SMK Akan Tayang di Layar Kaca

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Selena Gomez gets stuck and Trapped in an Elevator

In a 19-second video posted to Twitter, Gomez told the other frantic individuals in the elevator not to talk, as they would lose oxygen. Shortly after her suggestion, the 23-year-old was rescued as the doors were eventually opened.

We're certainly glad her ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber, wasn't there -- being stuck in an elevator is the claustrophobic star's biggest fear, and unfortunately, it happened to him before.

Needless to say, the "Love Yourself" singer was much less calm than the brunette beauty when he experienced the scary moment in June 2012 while backstage at a concert in London. Selena Gomez Gets Trapped Inside a Paris Elevator, Remains Calm While Tweeting the Experience

She posted the video from inside the elevator to Twitter, proving that you can still laugh at the mishaps that come hurtling your way. And she didn't let that dull her day, as she still gamely posed for photos with fans, all smiles and fierceness and seriously omg-where-did-you-get-that-dress-we-need-it-now. So, basically, business as usual from Slaylena.

That may not have been on the itinerary for Selena Gomez's trip, but it happened anyway. The star and a number of her friends were minding their own business, trying to get from one floor to the other, when the metal deathtrap elevator car stopped between floors and they were stuck. Luckily, someone wedged the doors open, and they escaped to safety. (We're guessing they took the stairs from that point on?)


Watch Selena Gomez Get Trapped in an Elevator (and Make a Valiant Escape)

As you can see in the video, the trapped occupants managed to pry the doors open between floors and—it’s not shown, but we assume this is how it worked—crawl out one by one. Which could potentially be dangerous—what if the elevator started moving again? But in that desperate moment, it was the only solution.

And so Selena is safe. She will live to sing and act and ride Segways with Justin Bieber another day. Just as we will, we regular folk. Riding our own Segways, with our own Justin Biebers, off into whatever unremarkable future awaits us. Watch Selena Gomez Get Rescued from a Stuck Elevator in Paris 

The 23-year-old singer, who is attending Paris Fashion Week, was showing some serious skin this week when she unintentionally flashed the paparazzi.

It was the second time that day that she had a wardrobe malfunction in Paris.

The first one happened while sporting a short jean skirt earlier in the day. She flashed her underwear while getting out of car.

The second one happened when she was wearing a black tuxedo dress on her way to an awaiting vehicle. Her leggy look revealed a little bit more than she would have liked. Selena Gomez suffers wardrobe malfunction, gets stuck in elevator in Paris 

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Zika virus - mosquito-borne illness possibly linked to birth defects

The findings come from a new study published in Cell Stem Cell that looked at how the Zika virus interacted with human stem cells grown in a lab. The stem cells were made to mimic the types of cells that eventually form the cortex — the brain's outer layer. Within three days of being exposed to Zika, up to 90 percent of these cells had been infected. Not only did this lead to massive cell death, but the infected cells were reprogrammed to produce even more copies of the Zika virus. These experiments could eventually help doctors find new drugs to stop the virus' damage on unborn babies, the study authors argue.

The study is the first to show how Zika may be causing children to be born with abnormally small heads — a condition known as microcephaly. Researchers strongly suspect that the two conditions may be linked, due to the recent spread of both in Central and South America. Since March of last year, up to 1.5 million people in Brazil alone have been infected with the virus, according to the World Health Organization. The outbreak has coincided with a massive spike in cases of microcephaly in Brazil. Zika has also been found in the brains of developing fetuses, indicating that the virus can be transmitted from mother to child.

Today's research still does not confirm that Zika is causing these birth defects. The researchers only looked at how the virus interacts with individual brain cells in a lab setting, indicating which cells may be susceptible to the virus. To truly confirm Zika is behind microcephaly, the researchers would need to observe how Zika damages the entire brain. "Maybe the next step will be to use Zika on a 3D mini-brain to look at a more direct link," said one of the study authors Zhexing Wen, a neurobiologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. How the Zika virus is probably causing birth defects in children

The Zika virus has been linked to a life-threatening birth defect called microcephaly, though the causation has not yet been scientifically proven because the virus is so understudied. Researchers are still working on effective tests to diagnose the virus, and CDC officials have said a vaccine is likely years away.

Administration officials said the summit is intended to help spread “the latest scientific knowledge about Zika” — especially its risks on pregnant women — before it begins spreading in the U.S.

The CDC specifically hopes to “arm state and local leaders with the necessary knowledge and technical support” to come up with their own plans to fight Zika.

Three U.S. territories — Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa — are already seeing the virus spread by mosquitoes. White House to hold summit on Zika virus

The work “is going to be very important,” says Madeline Lancaster, a developmental biologist who studies human brain development at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, U.K. The results “are quite consistent with what you’re seeing in the babies with microcephaly.”

Zika virus, named after a forest in Uganda where it was first isolated decades ago, usually causes only mild symptoms in people, including fever and rash. But after the virus started spreading across northeastern Brazil last year, doctors there noticed a striking increase in the number of babies born with microcephaly. Many of the mothers reported having symptoms consistent with Zika infection during their pregnancies. But it has been difficult to prove a link between the virus and the birth defects because blood tests for Zika virus are only accurate for about a week after infection.

Nevertheless, circumstantial evidence has accumulated. Researchers have identified the virus in amniotic fluid of pregnant women whose fetuses were diagnosed with microcephaly and also in the brain tissue of a fetus diagnosed with the disorder. But because researchers had conducted scant research on the virus before this year, they had little data to suggest how the virus could cause such damage. Zika virus kills developing brain cells